Project Description

Fin-tech (Financial Technology)
My Role
UX Design/ Product Owner

Project Description

Selling an investment product isn’t always easy. Especially so when you are specifically targeting people who know very little about the subject in the first place. After doing some research via Interviews and Online surveys. We found a number of possible ways to get people’s attention.

One of the main findings was that people were unsure what to expect from the app once they downloaded it, they understood that is was an investing app, but not exactly what kind of experience was awaiting them.

Project Goal

To create a new visualization of the product that can be used in the entire marketing funnel that will increase conversion in every step of the funnel.

Key performance indicators:

  • Conversion to next step in the funnel
  • Onboarding completion
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA).

Creating a concept

Listen to the people

Based on the research we performed at the beginning of the project that involved surveys, interviews, heat map analysis and a collection of data available to us. What we’ve found can best be described in these few statements.

  • I don’t know anything about investing, not sure if I’m even able to use it.
  • I’m uncertain about how the app works.
  • How do I invest my money once I start investing?
  • What risks do I take?

How PEAKS works…

Peaks is a very easy to use investing app, specifically made for people who know very little about the subject.

So the concept of this project, based on the results of our research, was to create a new, consistent message trough-out the marketing funnel to get more people in.

This message would be a visual explanation of the core concept of PEAKS. Tackling the questions listed before. But how do you, consistently explain a concept like investment and play it off as easy?

From concept to production

How we went from a good idea to a great product

Sketching it out

I started out by sketching out the flows and screens.

Digitize sketches

After that, I started to make a first digital draft of some screens.


Those evolved into more detailed, on-brand concepts.

Kill your darlings

With some ideas we had to let go of our first ideas and create better ones.

Bring it in motion

And to finish it all off, after we agreed on all the visuals. I animated certain elements.

Website Module

One of the greatest upsides of having a website is the room you have to explain your idea’s.

This is also a moment in the customers journey where he is probably still informing himself and might have it’s doubts about downloading the app.

Our research showed that the major reason people were reluctant to download the app was because they had the idea that it was along proces.

In response, I designed a module that explains how onboarding can be done in 4 “simple” steps.


Advertisement & App store

The first step in the journey is the advertisement. This was made with an audience in mind that had never been in contact with Peaks before.

With a focus on a clean UI, clear separations between text and UI of the app, and the avoidance of complex terminology, this video was successfully implemented and performed really well.

(Do try it with sound if you speak Dutch or German)

Youtube ad

Youtube ad

In app onboarding

On-brand design

The first step of redesigning the so called “tour” screens of the app was to align the design with the rest of the brand and the app itself.

I started by applying the color gradients that are used in all other brand products of the company. After that I choose to step away from the icons that at that point were becoming outdated and replaced them with mockups of the app.

Build for the future

After the feeling of the app was fixed. I aligned with the stakeholders involved what their future expectations were for this part of the app. No use building something if it will be replaced within a year.

It turned out that the screens we designed for other parts of the funnel were also a perfect fit for the tour. By applying a simplified version of the app we were able to introduce users to the app without scaring them off or distracting them.